the little beans in life i love.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Loving: Spin Pins

I have to thank Grace for introducing me to this product. Spin pins are freakin' awesome! Because of the digital perm, I have been reluctant to use ties in my hair and like to maintain my curls so I twist my hair into a bun while I'm at work so that it will be curly at night.
Goody Simple Spin Pins, Brunette= $6.29
 Here's how to use:

Easy breezy!

I even put my hair up with spin pins after a shower and it helps keep my hair from dripping, keeps the perm curly, and best of all, no hair tie crease!


1 comment:

  1. these are truly amazeballs. so sturdy, as long as your hair has enough length to hold em.
    i got the french twist spin pin too but i have yet to try it- i've heard it's a tough one to get to be stable tho.
